Main Street Approach → Design

Commercial District Planning

A good downtown or neighborhood commercial district plan can empower Main Street professionals to be intentional in how they approach design issues, from physical improvements to preservation and infill development. Initiating or participating in a planning process requires an understanding of the process, from leveraging resources and engaging stakeholders to aligning implementation steps with the Main Street Approach. Participating in Commercial District Planning, you will learn to:

- Advocate for your Main Street district’s needs as part of a comprehensive or commercial district planning process.
- Participate in the planning process as a commercial district professional through a solid understanding of terminology, timelines, and key players.
- Engage and work with municipal and community stakeholders to implement the plan and establish ongoing support.

Commercial District Planning is a three-part, on-demand course instructed by Nicholas Kalogeresis, a planning professional with over 25 years’ experience in planning for traditional commercial districts.

MSAI is currently undergoing an intensive program assessment to ensure our curriculum meets the needs of our network and provides content that is reflective of everyone we serve. Therefore, our required coursework and credential offerings are evolving. We are not accepting new students currently, but encourage those who want to continue learning and/or are looking for PD opportunities to check out on-demand courses, just like this one, to meet those needs.

Course Counts Toward: Community Transformation Certificate

  • How to Participate in Topics Course
  • Commercial District Planning Readings.pdf
  • Session 1
  • Commercial District Planning Session 1
  • Commercial District Planning - Session 1 - Note Slides
  • Commercial District Planning - Session 1 Quiz
  • Session 2
  • Commercial District Planning Session 2
  • Commercial District Planning - Session 2 - Note Slides
  • Commercial District Planning - Session 2 Quiz
  • Session 3
  • Commercial District Planning Session 3
  • Commercial District Planning - Session 3 - Note Slides
  • Commercial District Planning - Session 3 Quiz
  • Evaluation
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Commercial District Planning - Session 1 Quiz, Commercial District Planning - Session 2 Quiz, Commercial District Planning - Session 3 Quiz, Course Evaluation"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years