Main Street Approach → Economic Vitality

Getting Retail Ready

A strong retail tenant mix is at the heart of a thriving commercial district. For commercial district practitioners, a clear strategy is essential to improve the retail concentration of districts and influence decision making processes of business and property owners. In Getting Retail Ready, assess your district’s retail readiness and lay the groundwork for your tenant attraction plan. In this course, you will learn to:

- Diagnose district readiness for a retail attraction campaign and identify opportunities.
- Mobilize your district vision in cooperation with business and property owners.
- Celebrate success and evaluate your strategy.

Getting Retail Ready is a three-part, on-demand course taught by Larisa Ortiz, an expert in commercial district retail strategies who has worked in over one hundred communities, both nationally and internationally.

MSAI is currently undergoing an intensive program assessment to ensure our curriculum meets the needs of our network and provides content that is reflective of everyone we serve. Therefore, our required coursework and credential offerings are evolving. We are not accepting new students currently, but encourage those who want to continue learning and/or are looking for PD opportunities to check out on-demand courses, just like this one, to meet those needs.

Course Counts Toward: Community Transformation Certificate

  • How to Participate in Topics Course
  • Getting Retail Ready - Course Readings.pdf
  • Session 1
  • Getting Retail Ready - Session 1 - Note Slides
  • Getting Retail Ready Session 1
  • Getting Retail Ready - Session 1 Quiz
  • Seesion 2
  • Getting Retail Ready - Session 2 - Note Slides
  • Getting Retail Ready Session 2
  • Getting Retail Ready - Session 2 Quiz
  • Session 3
  • Getting Retail Ready - Session 3 - Note Slides
  • Getting Retail Ready Session 3
  • Getting Retail Ready - Session 3 Quiz
  • Course Evaluation
  • Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Getting Retail Ready - Session 1 Quiz, Getting Retail Ready - Session 2 Quiz, Getting Retail Ready - Session 3 Quiz, Course Evaluation"
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 2 years